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Medi-Healthcare & Carbon R & D

Global World Best Company


2023 KNS 41th Korean Neurosurgery Society's Spring Forum
  • 2023-04-17 11:11
  • 조회 497

본문 내용

2023 KNS 41th Korean Neurosurgery Spring Forum


The 41st Spring Conference of the Korean Neurosurgery Society in 2023 will be held for three days from March 30 to April 1.

It was held at the ICC Jeju International Convention Center. 





The Spring Conference, under the motto of [ Neurosurgery, Back to Essentials ] to overcome the pandemic and make a new leap forward,

was a meaningful event outside of the online conference since COVID-19 in 2019.



In particular, professors from the Korean Neurosurgery Society, as well as Professor Miki Fujimura 

of the University of Hokkaido in Japan and Professor Pedro Lylyk of Argentina, Professor Frederick F. Lang of the United States, 

and Da-Tong Ju of Taiwan, attended the special lecture.




CBH Inc., introduced two models of CXR-706 and CXR-70J, products with our medical carbon table  at the forum, 

and promoted to many visitors the advantages of our products that make it easier to change patients' posture 

and obtain much clearer diagnostic imagingthan existing diagnostic tables.


Especially, we've  participated in the booth side by side with the surgical guide robot of Ko Young Technology, aka "Kymero", 

a famous Korean inspection equipment company, and the automatic guide robot for positioning surgery 

based on medical images that combines navigation functions.






Through this conference, we accelerated the increase in brand awareness of our companies, 

accelerated the discovery of new customers, and helped establish new distribution networks 

by receiving the high interest of many visitors from domestic and abroad.





CBH Inc. will keep continuing to participate in famous academic conferences and exhibitions

at home and abroad to promote the excellence of our equipment and become a growing business partner.


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