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Medi-Healthcare & Carbon R & D

Global World Best Company


The 29th Korea Medical Engineering Association Spring Forum
  • 2023-07-25 10:55
  • 조회 403

본문 내용

The 29th Korea Medical Engineering Association Spring Forum


On July 15, 2023, (Sat), CBH Inc. participated in the 29th Korea Medical Engineering Association’s Spring Academic Seminar

organized by the Secretariat of the Korean Medical Engineering Association.

The spring conference, held in the international conference room of the Cha Bio Complex, 

was a meaningful event to combine safety management and repair education for medical workers working at the forefront of medical device safety management.





CBH Inc. introduced our carbon imaging tables CXR-704 and CXR-70S with setting up our own exclusive booth.

We received much attention and responses from various medical officials, including those in the medical field.


CBH Inc. will continue to participate in various medical conferences in the future, 

and we will work hard to increase our reputation as well as awareness in the field.


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